Trademark Search and Registration Service
Comprehensive Trademark Search and Registration Services
We Start With A Comprehensive Trademark Search
We start the trademark process for your business by conducting a comprehensive search of the USPTO’s database of registered and pending marks for your business name and/or logo in your classification. This allows us to identify any potential conflicts with your proposed trademark. Once we have a clear understanding of the landscape, we will prepare and file your trademark applications with the USPTO under the correct classification and with all needed documents.
The process is the same if you are registering a service mark or servicemark. This is a trademark used in the United States and several other countries to identify a service instead of a product or goods.
The Trademark Application Process Begins
The application process begins when the USPTO receives your application. Lapin Law firm will enter your trademark into the trademark electronic application system and pay the appropriate filing fees.
Once your application is received, it will be assigned to an examining attorney that handles trademarks specifically. The examining attorney will review your application to make sure it meets all the legal requirements for registration and fits the classification. This process usually takes about three months. Lapin Law Firm will monitor the proceedings the entire way.
The Trademark Registration Review Period
After you file your trademark application, the examining attorney will review your application to make sure it meets all the legal requirements for registration.
If the examining attorney finds that your application does meet all the requirements, they will approve it and your trademark will be published in the Official Gazette. You are in business!
If the examining attorney finds that your application does not meet all the requirements or is the wrong classification, they will issue an office action. The office action will list all the ways that your application does not meet the requirements. The USPTO gives you six months to respond to the office action.
If you do not respond to the office action, or if your response does not address all the issues raised in the office action, your application will be abandoned.
Why Choose Our Comprehensive Trademark Search and Registration Service
Our comprehensive trademark search and registration service offers many benefits, including:
– Free, initial trademark search services to help you determine if your trademark is available
– A comprehensive trademark registration service that includes filing the necessary paperwork and monitoring your trademark for any potential infringements
– An experienced trademark attorney who can answer any questions you may have about the process
Choosing our comprehensive trademark search and registration service is the best way to protect your trademark and avoid any potential legal issues down the road.
Free Consultation
For more information contact Lapin Law Firm with a call or visit the contact form on our website here.
Register A Trademark Today
Lapin Law Firms handles all sorts of Trademarks and Service Marks, including trademarks for Amazon. Contact Us Today!
What is a trademark search?
Trademark searches help determine whether a trademark is used in commerce. Preliminary trademark searches can be narrow in scope. Comprehensive trademark searches should include results from multiple sources to ensure trademark protection, including searching all marks that are similar or could be confusing.
What is a preliminary trademark search?
A preliminary trademark search simply checks to determine if the trademark in question could possibly be denied. A scan of the USPTO database is done using the mark and if any similar marks are presented the search stops and another strategy must be taken.
What is a comprehensive trademark search?
A comprehensive trademark search is a full search that refers to searches that cover all avenues for trademark protection in the trademark system. Lapin Law Firm uses various sources to run these searches and categorizes the results according to how close they are to the mark on which we’re focusing during our research.
The results are then compiled into a search report containing essential data for each of the marks the results cite. This will include marks that are identical to the subject mark as well as close variations on the subject mark that cover potentially related goods and services.
The full search results for the United States include the Federal Register, state registers, and potential sources of common law rights on the Internet. This includes uses of the mark online, business names registered in every state as well as domain names.
Why do I need a trademark search?
An in-depth trademark search cannot be skipped if you plan on avoiding legal problems. Doing a search for your mark will save you a lot of time, trouble, and money in the future.
Is there a free trademark search?
Yes. The USPTO provides a system called the Trademark Electronic Search System, or TESS for short. This system allows you to search for similar marks for free. However, this does not ensure your trademark application will be accepted.
How long will the trademark process take?
In total, it takes around 10-12 months to get your trademark approved. The trademark review process usually takes about 4-6 months from the time of application by itself.
What is the fee from the USPTO for filing a trademark?
The USPTO charges a $350 fee to file an application for the registration of a trademark or service mark per class. This is paid at the time of the application and is typically non-refundable.
Can my business name get a registered trademark?
Yes, a business name may be trademarked if it has met the requirements for distinctiveness and secondary meaning.
Can my slogan be trademarked?
No. Not normally. Short phrases cannot be protected under copyright law. A slogan typically falls into this category. A short phrase can be protected if it is incorporated into a logo, drawing, or other work of art.
Can my logo be trademarked?
Yes. Logos are commonly trademarked and even have a copyright from the moment of public use.
Can my brand name get a registered trademark?
Yes. Your brand name can be registered with the USPTO and should be to protect your intellectual property. Using your business name affords some trademark protection but only if records of that use are available. Without trademark registration, you cannot file a lawsuit in Federal courts.
How do I renew my trademark?
If you want to renew your trademark, the date of expiration is printed on the certificate. You can then file a renewal application before this date expires to extend protection for 10 years more.
Do you work in countries outside of the US?
No. Lapin Law Firm does not handle international trademarks at this time. We can gladly refer you to our trusted partners to help you though.
What level of support can I expect through this process?
Lapin Law Firm will be by your side the entire way. We handle everything for you and keep you updated throughout the process. We provide detailed analysis and a clear game plan on securing your trademark.
Registering your trademark can be complicated, but Lapin Law Firm will make it a painless process for you. We will secure your trademark and help you to protect your business or brand name against infringers.