Trademark Clearance Searches
Trademark Clearance Search Services By An Experienced Attorney
Many companies struggle with protecting their brand identity, but this process can be complicated and time-consuming if you lack the legal know-how to handle it yourself. With the help of an experienced intellectual property (IP) attorney in your corner, you will have peace of mind that everything is being handled correctly and legally in regards to your company’s trademarks.
Lapin Law Firm offers a trademark clearance search that includes a common law search to be sure that your business trademark is available. While trademark searches can be completed quickly and easily, the search process is not without its challenges. It’s important to keep in mind that trademark law has many nuances that must be considered during a clearance search.
What Is A Trademark Clearance Search?
A trademark search determines whether a proposed trademark conflicts with an already-existing one. The USPTO has twelve months to conduct the search online or in its files, and will advise you whether it would be in conflict with any existing trademarks.
A Trademark Clearance Search can help you narrow your list of possible trademarks to those that are less likely to be rejected. It’s also possible to do parallel searches on product names which can save time and money if they eliminate similar but not identical choices.
The Trademark Clearance Search is just one of many factors you will need to consider before choosing a trademark. Trademark attorneys also recommend consulting with an attorney who specializes in Trademarks, as well as understanding any state laws that may affect your selection.
How To Conduct A Trademark Search
Trademark attorneys recommend that you conduct a Trademark Search of the USPTO Trademark database for federal Trademarks. In addition, search individual state records if your company plans on using the Trademark in any of those states. It’s possible to order Trademark Searches from private online search companies, but be aware that these types of searches might not be as comprehensive as those conducted by the Trademark office.
Before you begin a Trademark search, it’s helpful to have available:
- The legal name of your business, both for the Trademark Search and registration process.
- Your product or service description – the Trademark Search should encompass this.
- The Trademark you are proposing (if you have already chosen it)
- Any information about your competitors who offer products or services similar to yours. This can help identify Trademarks that may be in conflict with your own Trademark, and also help understand the market for your proposed trademark.
What Are The Benefits Of Conducting A Trademark Search?
Trademark Clearance Searches can help you narrow your list of possible Trademarks to those that are less likely to be rejected. It’s also possible to do parallel searches on product names which can save time and money if they eliminate similar but not identical choices.
Trademark Clearance Searches typically don’t search databases outside of the USPTO, so if you are seeking Trademarks in other countries, additional searches may be necessary. Also, note that Trademark searches done by private companies can have limitations. They may not include all Trademarks that are currently in use or Trademarks that have been abandoned for one reason or another.
Why You Should Hire An Attorney For Your Trademark Search
An attorney with Trademark Law expertise will be able to identify matches that would otherwise go unnoticed and advise you on any Trademarks that may be too close for comfort. Using Trademark attorneys guarantees accuracy and provides peace of mind in what can sometimes be an overwhelming process.
Why Use Lapin Law Firm For Your Trademark Search?
Trademark attorneys can identify Trademarks that may be in conflict with your own Trademark, and also help understand the market for your proposed Trademark. Lapin Law Firm has experience handling Trademark Clearance Searches for a variety of industries. We are thorough and efficient, and always available to answer any questions you might have about Trademark issues. We can even handle trademarks for Amazon.